Strong and Stylish: The Benefits of Concrete Gravel Boards & Concrete Posts

Are you looking for a strong and stylish fence solution for your garden? Look no further than concrete gravel boards from Beesley & Fildes. Our concrete gravel boards offer superior strength and durability, making them the perfect choice for any fencing project. Combining our concrete fence posts and panels with our quality concrete gravel boards will ensure that your fencing looks great and will last for years to come.

What are the benefits of concrete gravel boards?

Gravel boards are essential for any garden fence construction, as they are placed under fence panels to lift them off the ground level. These boards provide a protective barrier from the ground, making the fence more durable and longer-lasting. They are usually made out of timber or concrete, but the latter is considered the better option.

Concrete gravel boards have several benefits that make them the best choice. Firstly, they last longer and are maintenance-free, providing a stronger foundation for the fence. Concrete also prevents rot for longer than timber and has better long-term value. They are compatible with other concrete fence components such as concrete post bases, concrete fence panels, concrete base panels, slotted concrete fence posts, and small concrete fence posts.

If you want to upgrade your garden's fence, using concrete gravel boards is an excellent option. Not only do they enhance the fence's strength and durability, but they also add an element of style. Choose the right type of concrete gravel board for your fencing needs and enjoy a fence that will last for many years to come.

Rock faced gravel base panels

Should concrete gravel boards touch the ground?

When it comes to installing concrete fence gravel boards, one common question that arises is whether they should touch the ground. The answer to this question ultimately depends on personal preference and specific circumstances.

Concrete fence gravel boards can be placed directly on the soil or with a gap above the ground. Placing them directly on the soil can provide extra stability and prevent small animals from burrowing underneath the fence. However, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks of this approach. Having a gap between the soil and the concrete gravel board can offer several benefits. Firstly, it allows for better water drainage, preventing the accumulation of moisture that can lead to rot or damage over time.

Additionally, the gap allows for air circulation, which helps to keep the boards dry and free from mould or mildew. It's also worth noting that by not touching the ground, the concrete gravel boards may be easier to clean and maintain. Without direct contact with the soil, they are less likely to collect dirt or debris, making it simpler to keep your fencing looking fresh and clean.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to have your concrete gravel boards touch the ground or not is up to you. Consider your specific needs, the surrounding environment, and the level of maintenance you're willing to undertake. Regardless of your choice, investing in high-quality concrete fence gravel boards will undoubtedly enhance the strength and longevity of your fencing.

How deep should a concrete post base be?

When it comes to installing your concrete fence posts, it is important to make sure they are secured in the ground properly. Typically, concrete posts are secured with a mixture of ballast and cement or post-mix concrete. We recommend using 1.5 bags of post-mix concrete per hole to ensure maximum strength.

The depth of the hole is also crucial. As a rule of thumb, the hole should be at least 1/3 the height of the fence and three times the diameter of the post. However, it is possible to set the post deeper into the ground for added stability. To make digging easier, we suggest using a long, narrow fencing spade and a post-hole digger.

This will allow you to create a clean and straight hole, making the installation of the concrete fence post much easier. Properly securing your concrete fence posts is key to ensuring a long-lasting and sturdy fence. By following these guidelines for post depth and using the right tools, you can rest assured that your fence will remain stable and strong for years to come.

Is it better to have concrete fence posts?

Concrete fence posts are undoubtedly a better option than their wooden counterparts. Concrete is known for its strength and durability, making it a long-lasting choice for fence posts. Unlike wood, concrete does not require regular treatments or ongoing maintenance, saving you time and money in the long run. Concrete posts are particularly effective in gardens exposed to high winds, heavy rainfall, or spray from the sea, ensuring your fence remains strong and secure.

What is the purpose of a gravel board?

A gravel board is a horizontal panel usually 150 mm in height that runs along the bottom of a fence panel. Its purpose is to protect the fence from moisture damage, debris, and insect damage. By elevating the fence panel above the ground, a gravel board helps to prevent water from seeping into the bottom of the fence, which can cause rot and decay. Gravel boards also provide an extra layer of protection against ground-level debris and insects that could otherwise damage the fence. Overall, a good-quality gravel board is essential to ensure your fence lasts as long as possible.

Are gravel boards worth it?

While concrete fence posts and gravel boards are incredibly durable, it's still important to properly maintain and care for them. Regularly inspect your fence for any cracks or signs of damage, and repair or replace any damaged components promptly. Keep the surface of the concrete clean and free from debris to prevent any build-up of moisture or moss.

Applying a sealant or protective coating to the concrete can help to enhance its longevity. Additionally, it's advisable to check and adjust the fence panels regularly to ensure they are securely attached to the posts and gravel boards. By following these simple maintenance tips, you can ensure your concrete fence posts and gravel boards remain strong and attractive for years to come.